Keeping a healthy weight during pregnancy

Keeping a healthy weight during pregnancy is a very individual thing for each and every woman.  Everybody behaves differently when undergoing the transformation of pregnancy and every pregnancy is unique in its own way.  There is a strong focus for women to keeping a healthy weight during pregnancy for many reasons but there are also risks associated with exercise during the gestational period, so what is the balance for keeping a healthy weight during pregnancy?

Healthy weight during pregnancy | Why is it so important?

It’s been medically proven that being at a healthy weight when planning for a baby increases the chances of falling pregnant and sustaining a healthy weight during the pregnancy is equally beneficial.  Light to moderate exercise is encouraged to keeping a healthy weight during pregnancy for several reasons:

  •     Weight wise – keeping excess weight to a minimum means that it will be easier to manage with the day-to-day tasks towards the end of the pregnancy, when the weight is at its maximum.

  •     Self-esteem – It’s typically been said that once you look smart, you're feeling good; and for several first-time mums, the undeniable fullness of a baby bump can be quite confronting.  After the baby is born, it is a priority for many mothers to get back into shape as quickly as possible.  It can create a healthier state of mind.

  •     Core strength – Carrying extra weight during pregnancy can cause your core muscles to slacken.  Regular exercise keeps the muscles active in readiness for childbirth.

  •     Cardiovascular health – An efficient vascular system improves stamina and carries a healthy dose of oxygen throughout the body, including extra oxygen for baby.

  •     Reduce stress – Expecting a new baby is accompanied by all types of stresses.  Exercise will help mums to be more relaxed and rest better at night.

  •     High Blood Pressure – excess weight can cause many problems during pregnancy. Serious health issues such as Gestational Diabetes and High Blood Pressure can wreak havoc on the mother’s health and of that of the baby.

  •     Faster recovery – if a Cesarean (C-section) is performed, the recovery rate will be faster if the woman is of a healthy weight range.

Healthy weight is important during pregnancy. How normal weight gain in pregnancy?

Let’s look at the average weight during pregnancy that women are meant to put on.  The average size of a newborn is approximately 3.3kgs, add the placenta which weighs approximately 700grams ,the body fluid that weighs about 800grams; total them together and that makes 4.8kgs; however the common pregnant woman puts on more that 13kgs during the course of the nine months, so where does the extra weight during pregnancy come from?   

It’s important to take into consideration that a healthy weight gain during pregnancy will also include:

  •  The growth of the uterus/womb to accommodate the growing child can weigh an extra kilogram

  •  The woman’s volume of blood is increased by an extra 1.2kgs

  •  Water retention and excess fluids can weigh up to 1.2kgs

  •   Breast tissue and milk glands are enlarged for milk production weighing an approximate extra 400gms

  •   The body stores an amount of 4kgs of fat to allow for breastfeeding and extra energy during childbirth

Sometimes ill health and medications can also play a role in excess weight gain during pregnancy.  Looking at everything which encompasses pregnancy, considering it is a textbook pregnancy, the average healthy weight gain during a pregnancy will range between 12.5kg/13kg.  Anything over could relate to a lack of inactivity and overeating.

Healthy weight during pregnancy | Eating for two or more

This is one of the biggest myths about pregnancy and it can cause many women keeping a healthy weight during pregnancy to gain unwanted pounds over the course of their pregnancy.  Indulging with food can put your health and the health of the baby at risk of developing the diseases discussed earlier.

Exercises such as swimming or walking are an excellent way to keep a pregnant mind and body fit.  Avoid exercises where running, jumping and other high-impact movements are required eg: tennis, skiing, horse-riding etc… If you are prone to those insatiable cravings for high-calorie foods, some moderate, low impact exercise is an ideal way to keep a healthy weight during pregnancy.

A pregnant body may require slightly more calories to maintain a healthy weight during pregnancy but steer clear of eating just for the sake of being pregnant.  Many partners can play a role in spoiling the mum-to-be with treats and sweets but it isn’t doing her or the baby any favors.

To avoid any complications associated with weight gain, it is best to maintain a healthy weight during pregnancy.